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Post-9/11 GI Bill Education Benefits

The Post-9/11 GI Bill is a powerful educational benefit program designed to support veterans and their families in their pursuit of higher education. Understanding its intricacies can be key to unlocking its full potential and maximizing your educational attainment. The great VA benefit can help preserve wealth while gaining knowledge or setting a family member on a great educational journey. Lets check out who can use these benefits and how the program can help.

Students walking on a college campus in front of an old school building.

Who is Eligible?

Eligibility for the Post-9/11 GI Bill is determined by several factors, including:

  • You must have served at least 90 days on active duty after September 11, 2001, OR 30 continuous days after September 11, 2001, and were honorably discharged with a service connected disability

  • If you received a Purple Heart on or after September 11, 2001 and were honorably discharged, you may qualify after any amount of service.

  • You can only use one education benefit for your service and may have to choose which benefit you prefer between the Post-9/11 GI Bill and the Montgomery GI Bill. Once you choose which education benefit you prefer, you CANNOT change to use a different benefit.

  • Benefits could be passed to you by a qualifying service member.

The percentage of benefits you are able to receive is directly tied to the duration of time spent on active duty. Reaching the 90 days, as mentioned above, would qualify a service member for 50% of the full benefits. Once an individual has served more than three years, 100% of the full benefit is earned. There are steps in between, as noted below:

·         1,095 days (36 months) or more: 100% of the full benefit

·         910 to 1,094 days (30 – 35 months): 90% of the full benefit

·         730 to 909 days (24 – 29 months): 80% of the full benefit

·         545 to 729 days (18 – 23 months): 70% of the full benefit

·         180 to 544 days (6 to 17 months): 60% of the full benefit

·         90 to 179 days (3 to 5 months): 50% of the full benefit

Where Can You Use Your Benefits?

The Post-9/11 GI Bill can be used at a wide range of educational institutions, including:

  • Public and private colleges and universities

  • Vocational and technical schools

  • On-the-job training programs

  • Apprenticeship programs

  • Correspondence schools

  • Flight schools

Post 9/11 GI Bill Education Benefit Levels and Duration

With the exorbitant cost of higher education the Post 9/11 GI Bill can be of significant savings. The amounts below are for the maximum amounts paid in the academic year. If you are eligible for a percentage of the full benefit, as discussed above, then you would take that percentage of the full amount to determine your benefit:

Tuition and Mandatory Fees

·         100% of the cost of public, in-state net tuition and mandatory fees

·         Tuition and mandatory fees for a private institution of higher learning for up to $27,120.05

·         Tuition and mandatory fees for a foreign institution of higher learning for up to $27,120.05 (USD)

·         Tuition and mandatory fees for non-college degree programs (such as: EMT, pipe fitting, welding, mechanic, etc.) for up to $27,120.05

·         Tuition and mandatory fees for a non-degree certification in flight training for up to $15,497.15

·         Tuition and mandatory fees for correspondence school for up to $13,172.57

*note: if your college or school tuition is more than the maximum payment, you could be approved for added payments through the Yellow Ribbon Program. More information on the Yellow Ribbon Program can be found on the VA website.

Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA)

Post 9/11 GI Bill beneficiaries not only receive tuition and fee compensation but also for a monthly housing allowance during the time of studying. MHA is based on the location of the school and is paid out at the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for an E-5 with dependents. The US Department of Defense (DoD) provides a tool to find the amount you would be entitled to receive based on the zip code of the school. It can be found on the Defense Travel Management Office website.

Money for Books and Supplies

The GI Bill also covers up to $1,000 each academic year to cover books and supplies. The payment depends on the number of courses being taken and the percentage of benefits you are eligible for. For instance, if you are a full-time student with 60% benefits, you would be entitled to 60% of the maximum allowable stipend, or $600 per academic year.

Post 9/11 GI Bill Little-known benefits

A little-known benefit to the GI Bill is a rural grant that could pay for relocation costs from a very rural area to attend school, up to $500. To qualify for the one-time $500 grant the beneficiary must live in a county with 6 or fewer people per square mile (per the US census) AND either physically relocate at least 500 miles to attend school OR be required to travel by air to physically attend school because you do not have an option to travel by ground transportation, such as a car, train, or bus.

Another benefit of the 9/11 GI Bill that flies under the radar is tutorial assistance. If you are enrolled in an educational program at least half-time, are required to take a specific course as part of your educational program, and your instructor and school concur you need a tutor, you may be eligible for up to $100 a month, or $1,200 total, for tutorial assistance.

Finally, the GI Bill also may reimburse you for licensing and certification as well as national tests. The bill covers up to $2,000 for a job that requires a license or certification for you to work. Many tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), American College Testing (ACT), Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), Law School Admission Test (LSAT), etc. are covered under the GI Bill. Check out the VA website for all national exams covered by the program.

Additional Resources

For more information about the Post-9/11 GI Bill, please visit the following resources:

Maximizing Your Benefits

To maximize your Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, it is important to:

  • Plan your education: Decide what you want to study and research schools that offer the program you are interested in.

  • Apply for benefits early: You can start the application process up to 180 days before you begin your program.

  • Use all of your benefits: You have 15 years to use your benefits after your last separation from active duty if your separation occurred before 1 Jan 2013. If you separated after 1 Jan 2023, your benefits never expire!

  • Stay connected with the VA: The VA can provide you with support and guidance throughout your educational journey.


The Post-9/11 GI Bill is a valuable resource that can help veterans and their families achieve their educational goals. By understanding the program's eligibility requirements, benefits, and features, you can make informed decisions that maximize your educational opportunities and pave the way for a brighter future. This truly is one of the greatest benefits offered by the VA and can offset significant education costs for you and your family. Be educated on getting educated to get an education for less!


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