The inception of the United States Space Force (USSF) marked a historic moment in United States military history, ushering in a new era of space-focused defense. Although the effects and assets that would eventually fall under the USSF is utilized every day by every branch of the United States military and civilian populations around the world, the journey to establish this unique branch was not without controversy. The controversy arose as critics questioned the necessity of a separate Space Force and the potential duplication of roles already handled by existing branches. It seemed as if every step along the way caused some sort of dispute or got tied up into someone’s political agenda. Amidst the controversy, alternative proposals were put forward, suggesting alternatives such as expanding the responsibilities of the Air Force Space Command or establishing a dedicated space-focused command within the existing branches. However, despite these suggestions, the decision was made to establish an independent Space Force, complete with its own set of ranks. Even the selection process for what to call its ranks and how to refer to members of the service stirred debates and discussions across political and military circles with many opinions flaunted across social media and other forms of communication from the general public.
Background and Controversy
The creation of the Space Force brought about a need for distinct ranks tailored to the challenges and responsibilities associated with space operations. This led to a thorough selection process, with military officials considering various alternatives to determine the most appropriate ranks. There were many proposals discussed and thoroughly reviewed. Many of the proposals stemmed around science fiction franchises, such as Star Wars, or Star Trek. There does appear to be symbols and nomenclature throughout the Service that pays homage to these, and other, franchises, but most political and military personnel seemed to lean towards more traditional rank structure and nomenclature. There was a significant push on the officer ranks to model them after the Navy, which notably differ from the structure of the Army, Air Force (USAF), and even the Marines. At the end of the day, the officer ranks fell in line with the latter three branches and adopted the same rank nomenclature of its parent Department, the Air Force and the Air Force predecessor the Army. On the enlisted side, the USSF stuck closely to the USAF, but made enough changes to distinguish itself, specifically in the lower-level ranks.
What are Members of the Space Force Called?
At an even to mark the Service’s one year anniversary, Vice President Mike Pence announced members of the USSF would officially be called “Guardians”. According to a USSF press release, the name “Guardian” traces back to the original Air space Command motto from 1983, “Guardians of the High Frontier”. That didn’t stop the endless memes and social media reaction, though, as many people correlated the name to the latest science fiction franchise, the Guardians of the Galaxy. Truth is, no matter what the naming convention of the Service, it was going to be met with some backlash and ridicule. “Guardians” seems to be as good as any.
Actual Ranks of the United States Space Force
The Space Force introduced a unique hierarchy to be implemented 1 February 2021, reflecting the specialized nature of its operations. The ranks, starting from the lowest enlisted to the highest officer, include:
United States Space Force Enlisted Ranks
United States Space Force Officer Ranks
Reactions from the General Public:
The announcement of the Space Force ranks generated significant public interest and a myriad of reactions. While some welcomed the move as a necessary step in securing U.S. interests in space, others questioned the allocation of resources and the need for an entirely new branch. Memes and jokes flooded social media, with internet users creatively imagining what the daily life of a "Guardian" might entail.
Despite the initial skepticism, there has been a growing acknowledgment of the importance of having a dedicated branch to address the evolving challenges in space. As the Space Force continues to develop and establish its role in the broader military landscape, public opinion is gradually shifting towards recognizing the strategic importance of the new branch.
The establishment of the United States Space Force brought about a paradigm shift in military operations, accompanied by controversy, alternative proposals, and a unique set of ranks. As the Space Force continues to solidify its presence, the public's perception is evolving, reflecting the ongoing importance of addressing space-related challenges in the 21st century. The journey of the Space Force, from controversy to acceptance, is a testament to the dynamic nature of military innovation and adaptation. Semper Supra!
(Oh, yeah. Semper Supra, Latin for ‘Always above’, is the official motto of the Space Force).